There are moments in life when we know we need to drastically shift the course of our lives in order to live a life we love and truly be happy. Moments that while sometimes scary, will lead to a change that allows us to grow, evolve, and finally become who we were meant to be. Wondering if you’re ready for a change and the joy that follows? Here are seven sure-fire signs you are ready for a change and open for big changes ahead.
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There are moments in life when we know we need to drastically shift the course of our lives in order to live a life we love and truly be happy. Moments that while sometimes scary, will lead to a change that allows us to grow, evolve, and finally become who we were meant to be. Wondering if you’re ready for a change and the joy that follows? Here are seven sure-fire signs you are ready for a change and open for big changes ahead:
1. You’re Going Through a Painful Challenge
When you are experiencing a life challenge whether it’s in your career, relationship, family life, or finances, it’s usually an indication that a change of course is necessary. It also represents an opportunity for you to learn more about yourself, what you want, and how to make the necessary changes to deliver the joy and peace you are seeking.
A major life challenge does not mean that you are stuck or that there is a setback in your life, although it may seem like it at the moment. It is basically life inviting you to do a bit of digging to grow and evolve as a person while setting new strategies into place to make life what you want it to be. Don’t let this rocky road be a sign that your life is doomed.
2. You’ve Had It
You’ve been thinking about making a change for a while and you have had just about enough of the lack, unhappiness, frustration, and negativity that has been seeping into your soul. You’re sick and tired of being sick and tired. You’re ready for a change to rewrite your life story and make it one of joy, peace, abundance, and success and are willing to do what it takes to create a life you love because you know you are worthy of that. That sense that you have had it, is the best starting point for a real, lasting change.
Maybe you’re still not sure if you are ready for a change? Or you find yourself a bit resistant to the idea that a change in your life might be necessary. Watch this video to learn how to handle change resistance.
3. You’re Tired of Barely Hanging On
You know on a fundamental level that life is meant to be enjoyed, experienced and truly loved and just paying the bills and getting by each month is slowly killing the creative and adventurous soul of yours. You dream of the day you can finally do what you love and live your life purpose and you are no longer willing to just survive. Your gut and soul are telling you it’s your time to thrive.
4. Your Current Life Is Too Small to Fit Your Big Dreams
You’ve got big dreams and as you look around your current life you know that some things are going to have to shift dramatically to make room for everything you want to do. Whether you want to quit your job and backpack through Europe or build a cabin in the woods to write your amazing novel, big things need to happen and you know that in order for your dreams to become reality, you have to embrace the changes that are coming.
5. You Feel Bored
A healthy life shouldn’t be all fun and games, but if you’re starting to feel bored on a daily basis, then it could be a sign. There’s a difference between waking up on a Sunday and not knowing what to do, and waking up every day and feel bored. Maybe you don’t feel challenged in your job any longer, or your normal idea of fun is no longer giving you the enjoyment it once did before. Take the time to check with yourself. Are you just bored? Or do you need something more in your life? Humans are run by habits and routines, which makes it tough to change them. It also makes us stay in bad situations much longer than needed.
6. You’re Stressed
Stress is probably one of the most common signs that you’re in need of a change, but it can also be one of the signs that can be the hardest to react upon. Because when you’re stressed, you automatically feel anxious about making a change. It can be hard to deal with stress, but luckily there are many different types of solutions to deal with it. It often comes down to trying different ways and figuring out what works for you. But sometimes all you need to do is to figure out what is stressing you out and whether it’s worth it. If the stress comes down to being a sign, then you need to accept it and create a change in your life, because you’re clearly ready for a change.
7. You Realize That There Is No Stimulation in Your Life
Humans need stimulation in their daily lives because we will feel scared, stressed and unhappy at times. If you can tell that you no longer have that stimulation in your life, then it’s a sign that you’re ready for a change. What drove you in the past or got your heart pounding faster once might not do the same for you anymore. Before you get to the previous mentioned state of minds, you can get ahead of things and recognize this lack of stimulation as soon as possible as a sign.
Bottom Line: All changes are hard and shouldn’t be taken lightly, but we need to start seeing change as a positive rather than (as we often do at first) a negative. Changing your life can be tough, but it’s worth it.
Once you decided to change your life it won’t be easy in the beginning. I have realized over the years that more than anything, CHANGE is about embracing your challenges and believing that you CAN. I always go back to Edgar Allan Poe’s words- “never to suffer would never to have been blessed”. Embrace your challenges. They are the ones that will push you to the next level of your life. Remember- whatever challenges you are facing right now, if you are ready for a change to improve your life circumstances- you CAN and you WILL. It is in your hands.